We recently installed the SA Hive – a celebration of our community. Each class and SA faculty worked together to design a single honeycomb cell. Our cells came together to create a hive, and now as homerooms accomplish goals throughout the year we will continue to post them in the front stairwell. Come and check out the Hive out when you have a chance, and thank you to Mr. PK for his design, facilitation, and installation of this project!
Half Day – November 7th
Thursday, November 7 is an early release day. There is no afterschool and there is no preschool. Pickup is at 11:30am. Lunch will be available.
On early dismissal days, we follow our regular dismissal procedures. Students who get picked up by car are dismissed to the back loop first. Then, bus students are dismissed, followed by walkers at the bell. Walkers meet up with their pick-up person on the blacktop.
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
Scheduling for our November 2024 Parent Teacher Conferences has begun. Please use the following link to begin the scheduling process:
November 2024 conferences will be in person on Monday, 11/25 and virtual, Tuesday, 11/26.
If you need to request a virtual conference for Monday, 11/25 or request an alternate conference date, please indicate that using the Special Request box in PTC Fast when you sign up for your conference or contact your child’s teacher directly. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions link below for more information related to virtual conferences using Google Meet.
(Please note that you may now both register for a conference and attend a virtual conference (created by a BSD staff member) with any email address, it does not need to be a Google email address.)
Watch this 5 min video to learn how to schedule a parent teacher conference online using PTC Fast.
If needed, please call the school office, (802) 864-8480, for assistance.
Frequently asked questions can be found here:
PTC Fast and BSD: Frequently Asked Questions

No School – November 1
This is a reminder that there is No School on Friday, November 1 in celebration of Diwali, the Festival of Lights. How do you say Happy Diwali in Hindi? शुभ दीपावली (shubh dīpāvalī)
November Community Meeting 11/8
Please join us for SA’s November Community Meeting on Friday, November 8 at 8:10am in the cafeteria. We will celebrate the big ideas of sustainability that are being lived out in our community, sing together, and connect as a community. Families are invited to enjoy coffee with one another after the event.
SA Harvest Dance
Please join the SA PTO this Saturday, October 26 for the Harvest Dance. Details are in this week’s newsletter. Please be sure your child is accompanied by an adult and please be sure they bring a trick or treat bag!
13th Annual Harvest Run Update
The Harvest Run took place on Sunday, October 13, at the Intervale. What a fun and inspiring morning! We lucked out with incredible weather – sun, changing leaves and only a slight chill. It was our most successful fundraising year ever, bringing in more than $10,000 for the SA Community. Over 80 people ran! Thank you to all who participated in and volunteered for it.
Photo Credit: Fritz Senftleber
13th Annual Harvest Run – October 13th
Save the Date! 13th Annual Harvest Run, Sunday, October 13th!
Don’t miss out on Sustainability Academy’s 13th Annual Harvest Run on Sunday, October 13th at the Intervale Center! Romp through farm fields, gardens, and dirt roads on your way to completing a 5K run, 5K relay (2-person), 2.5K fun run, or kids’ fun run (~1/4 mile).
Join SA’s PTO for live music, food, fundraising and fun! See you there!
October 11 is National Coming Out Day
October 11 is National Coming Out Day. It is a day to celebrate your authentic self. Be proud of who you are! Support our LGBTQ+ community as we all overcome obstacles to equality. Love is Love.
No School – October 10 & 11
Reminder that there is no school on Thursday, October 10 because it is a Professional Learning Day for School Staff.
There is also no school on Friday, October 11 in observance of Yom Kippur & Dashain
צוֹם קַל – Have a meaningful fast.
विजया दशमीको शुभकामना! तपाईको जीवनमा सधैं सफलता, समृद्धि र आनन्दले भरियोस्। – Happy Dashain! May your life always be filled with success, prosperity and happiness.