*Note: Page layout has changed.* Click on the name of the category of resources, and a collection of links and icons will appear.
Coding, Hour of Code and Typing

Typing Club (use BSD Google login to create account)

Typing.com (use BSD Google login to create account)
Interactive Reading & Ebooks

Unite for Literacy – Free e-books for all ages

VT Online Library
Research and reading resources free to VT Schools (best for higher level readers.)

Students have logins to Raz-Kids assigned by classroom teachers. A literacy tool with interactive, read-as-you-go options

Epic E-Reader and Books
Epic can be used at home by going to the login page and entering the Classroom code. Codes for students in grades K-2 can be found in this Google Doc (link opens in a new page.)

ReadWorks.org – for Grade 4 / Gallagher.
Online reading entries for Google Classroom assignments. Code: KKYQG5
Math Resources

PBS Learning Media: K-8 Math Free math videos, interactive activities and lessons, and interviews about practical math in the real world.

Center for Game Science – Games
The Center for Game Science features games that foster learning in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

Cool Math Games. Skill, strategy, numbers and logic games for kids to keep up on math skills.

Math Sites – Mathematics and Computers
Pages of reliable, kid-centric math, computer science, and coding websites curated by the American Library Association.
Science Sites

PBS Learning Media: Science Instructional videos on physical, life, and earth sciences as well as measurements and methods.

Mystery Science Adults may use their own email to create an account for remote learning; M.S. is offering 200 lessons FREE until June 2021.

Brittanica Science Launch Packs
Username: bsdvt
Password: bsdvt

Great Websites for Kids – Science
Pages of reliable, kid-centric science resources and websites curated by the American Library Association.

Great Websites for Kids – Science
Pages of reliable, kid-centric science resources and websites curated by the American Library Association.
Miscellaneous & Streaming

Swank K-12 Movie Streaming (Movie list)
Go to the above streaming page, and scroll down, and then click on the bright blue “Access Now” button. *Note: Students may ONLY watch films that are assigned to the account by a teacher.*
User name: SustainabilityStudent
Password: Student1
SA Family Movie List – If logged in to BSDVT.org email, this link list should be viewable. Login with information above. Online free streaming film links selected by SA Library.
. Wide Open School A Common Sense Media project – provides interactive and online virtual field trips at a vast array of places around the world!
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