Wednesday, August 30th is the first day of school. School will be dismissed at the regular Wednesday time of 1:50pm.
Kindergarteners will be released at 11:30am for the first three days of school.
Sustainability Academy Arrival & Dismissal 2023-24
Arrival takes place between 7:45-8:08am. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria during this time. There is no adult supervision before 7:45am. Students who arrive after 8:10am are considered late.
All SA students enter the building through the back doors of the school located by the parking lot and school gardens. We know that families travel to school in a variety of ways – walking, biking, driving and more. Families who drive to school are requested to use the parking lot on North Champlain as a drop off spot. An SA staff member will be in the parking lot ready to help students exit vehicles so that families do not need to park and leave their cars.
Students will be dismissed at 2:50pm everyday except on Wednesdays. Please arrive by 2:50pm to pick up your child. Wednesday dismissal is at 1:50pm. In the event that we are unable to reach you, we will contact your student’s emergency contacts listed in Powerschool. Students will be dismissed from various locations:
- Car – All students who get picked up by car will be brought to the parking lot on N. Champlain St. so that we can bring students to cars instead of families having to park.
- Walker – Kindergarten students are dismissed from their classrooms. 1st and 2nd grade students are dismissed from the back entrance. 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students are dismissed from the front entrance.
- Students attending the Burlington Kids Afterschool program will go directly to afterschool from their classrooms.
- Students attending other after school programs (ONE Arts, Sara Holbrook) will connect with staff members at a designated meeting spot.
SA Parking Lot Guidelines:
- Have your student(s) ready to go when they are being dropped off.
- Stay in your car unless it is to help your student(s) load or unload. Our staff is able to help with this if your family is comfortable with that. Wait in your car when picking up, we will bring your student(s) to you.
- Do not pass cars that are stopped in front of you.
- Park only in designated parking spots. Do not park along the curb as this creates a traffic jam in our small parking lot.
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